Monday-Friday 7:00-4:00 p.m.
Melinda Houston
School Secretary
Attendance - REMINDER MIDDLE SCHOOL starts @ 7:45 am Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday, and 9:00 am on Thursdays with breakfast being served in the classroom daily except on Thursdays. Breakfast is served in the cafeteria on Thursday's.
Auto Dialer - We have a new auto dialer system that will send you messages about upcoming events, if your student is absent it will call to let you know and remind you to call their absences in. If for any reason there is an emergency such as, fog, power outages, heat days etc. it will notify you of them. A letter will be sent home with each student for all parents to fill out on how they would like the auto dialer to contact them and which number they want to be contacted on. If we don't receive them back with your choices you will automatically be contacted by text,phone call and email. We will choose to use both parents personal cell number and home number when available. If this is something you only want on a specific number then please make sure to turn the information into the offices.